
The Cinerama Barn

Cinerama film formats shown


3-strip dates


70mm dates


Screen curvature and size

135 degree louvered,  5.5 x 14 ft 


Frederick, MD


World's first and only digital 3-projector Cinerama Theatre. Smallest Cinerama Theatre in the world.

Current status

Open - Admission by advance request and by appointment

Not 3-strip or 70mm Cinerama, but a home built theatre with three video projectors and a louvered screen. I thought I would include it for something unique. 

This is part of the screen showing part of the curvature and the ribbons.

Foyer. To the left is part of the marquee. The poster is a reprint of the New York Times opening night spread for This Is Cinerama

This is the full screen. The black bumps at the bottom are the arms of the sofa.

Picture of schematic and lecture demonstration of system at the National Media Museum in Bradford, England during the widescreen weekend, March 7-10, 2008