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July 1969

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07/30 - Big "Krakatoa" Milwaukee Bow

Under each date is how well the title is doing at the boxoffice. 100 is average or normal.



City 7/07 7/14 7/21 7/28
Krakatoa, East of Java Cinerama New York 400 390 380 350
Krakatoa, East of Java Cinerama Los Angeles 300 350 300 280
2001: a space odyssey Warner Hollywood Los Angeles 220 260 240 280
Krakatoa, East of Java Cooper Denver * * * 400
Ice Station Zebra Cooper Cinerama Minneapolis 180 180 140 *
Krakatoa, East of Java Cinestage Chicago 250 225 225 200
Krakatoa, East of Java Imperial Cinerama Montreal * Excellent Excellent Good
2001: a space odyssey Glendale Toronto Good Good Good Good

* Did not report

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